Thursday, August 12

real men wear pink

and what is it with guys and facial hair?

(for the recotd:
it's actually my hat and i am not a fan of men in pink. especially dressy shirts.
they are the worst.
but i do like that the bearded man wears the pink hat around the house.)


liko said...

well then i guess doug ain't a real man...
but he does have facial hair, so...?


Jen C. said...

My Joshie won't wear pink but I think it's more because it doesn't look good on him rather than the color itself. He also doesn't have facial hair. Right now at least. :o)

Meg said...

I love the serious facial expression that goes along with the pink hat! And the beard.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

real men are awesome, specially the ones who can handle so many girls all at onces.

Kim's just sayin' said...

I guess if you can pull of the super manly facial hair it cancels out any of pink girlyness?!?!?


Megan and Keli'i said...

His beard is in rare form these days. Nice :).

aaron and meg facer said...

The beard is rad. I shaved mine off a few weeks ago. As for pink, personally I'm a fan but respect your opinion. Although... I've been feeling pretty "pinked out" with the baby clothes Nita has.

Stephanie said...

Laughed out loud when i saw this pic! Ahhh Luke...Sam has a beard that looks like that:)Pink hats ROCK!