Monday, January 28

enos- the man, the myth, the legend. happy birthday.
i can't even remember the last time luke and i hung out with friends till 2 in the am, but i think we need to do it more often, cause it was so fun. but how can you not have fun when you have a costume party (love dirty italian poker player luke- hickeys and ponytail included), good friends, poker and other card games (what was that one called becky?), candy and cake, karaoke, and some good old fashion stories of "the good old days"?

so what are we going to do for luke's birthday (2 weeks away)?


Anonymous said...

is that doug?? still around huh!

Molly Malia said...

looks like fun! i miss all that! hey, nice dress ash, i wore that to the winter ball in high school with marc allred. i'm surprised that it is still around the moffat house!:)

Tonya said...

looks like SO much fun!!

betsy said...

hey nice dress ash, i wore that to sophomore banquet with terrence chapelle. haha.

Becki said...

Is that little Amie? Is she in HI too now? Love that. Miss you guys! Your life seems so perfect. You have such a cute little family!