last night at around 9-ish i thought i heard some people singing "we thank thee o god for a prophet" and then i looked out our kitchen window and saw a huge group of people congregated around the front of the temple singing. it lasted about an hour or so, cool huh?

i'm sad too, but that's the first thing i thought...glad he'll be back with his wife. they are so cute together.
I seriously hope he's really your uncle cause if he isn't, that true disrespect! Even if it's part of your surfer girl lingo! That stinks!
That gave me goose bumps!
hey who are you "anonymous" writer? dont you know were all brothers and sisters? you stink.
i miss laie... that sort of stuff touches my so deeply. i love the hawaiian ohana and all the spirit that is there.
and too the "anonymous" fool that doesn't understand the hawaiian culture and true meaning of the word family, i feel real bad for you. keep it to yourself next time, sorry ash, that really p me off.
What is the deal with rude people? A rule of etiquette for those who obviously missed it in Preschool: If you can't say something nice then don't say it at all.
Ashley, I totally remember the Jubilee and Gordon B. and Marj being all over the place.
That is so awesome that people gathered at the temple to sing. So cool.
i heart laie for that kind of stuff alone. i love gordon b. he's the only prophet i've ever had--but i am so happy that he gets to be with his sweetheart. what a sweet way to love him--we thank thee oh god for a prophet.
I didn't know what your post meant up above, but now I get it.
I LOVE this post. That photo is excellent and I love that Laie does things like that.
And anon is lame.
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