i really dislike this picture.
date: chris baudran. i am pretty sure both he and i had no one to go with so we were paired up. he liked erin, who already had a date, and i wasn't really into anyone so we went together. rad, huh? at the after party he hung with erin and i hung with her date (name to be withheld ;))
dress: well, just look at my dress- i picked it up a few days before the dance at becker surfshop. i was really struggling to find a dress (happened every dance), went in the surfshop, saw this one on and bought it. i think it looks like lingerie, it's trashy. maybe not as trashy as nancy and jill's zebra print (hi nanc, i am just kiddin!) but it's pretty bad.
other magical details: it was a home coming so it was just at our school gym, it was fun cause we were all seniors and thought we ruled the place. who am i joking? we did rule the place. we went with a huge group of friends- who all meet at christina's house for pic- remember that amy?
senior girls:
This is the funniest one yet. ok the queen one had me busting a gut, but seriously OMG!!
The fact that he is wearing a wedding ring makes is classy trashy!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahh i cant wait to show erin and chris this lol lol lol that was a fun dance actually.... i totally remember being at christinas! however i dont remember who erin went with????? this the funniest, chris looks real into the pic by the way haha
My favorite day of the week by far. Yum... sweater vests are so hot.
wait, ashley, i think this dress is cute! haha! i'm serious! am i trashy? ok, don't answer that. and let me just say that i think u should be very very proud of your outfit if for no other reason than you DID NOT WEAR A BOA. thank heaven for small but meaningful choices. ha!
who did erin go with? i cant remember either? but i do remember vagi's... and there are a few non-seniors in that pic.... funny. PLEASE keep this going..
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