and then there are the not so fun surprises. like yesterday when she peed on my bed while jumping on it. or how she has the ability to not go pee for hours but as soon as we are outside playing, she has an accident. i have done a lot of laundry. in fact, if there were not flowers covering up her pants in the pictures from the last post you would see she had had an accident. we just kept on walking.
oh, but the best is that she has figured out how to work me over using this new skill she is trying to master- when placed in timeout she will ever so conveniently all of the sudden have to use the bathroom. she knows i won't make her stay in time out so she runs to the potty, time out dodged.
i love it when a not even 2 year old outsmarts me.
perfect candid picture of her perfect little-girl bum!!! and crack! haha!!that'll be a crack-up at her wedding slideshow!
pun intended.
Ashley you're so bad. When your girls get older there going to scold you for placing those pictures on the web:) By the way your last post with all the pictures of the wild flowers and train tracks, Very lovely!
Love, love, love those pictures of Ivy. Both of them are totally classic!
I can' believe she's that far along. My boys are so uninterested and I am dreading the laundry so we're not doing much with it right now but their pottys are outand they sit on them sometimes, mostly at bath time.
awesome! those little ones are too smart for us mommies!
ivy is a good time wholly cow. she is cracking me up with her faces and funny attitude. i love it. keep taking awesome pictures.
i wrote this on my comments, but i never know if people go back to check so here is the down low...
xanthan gum is a substitution for wheat gluten. must take its place pretty well because that is the first time i used it and it was fabulous. someone gave me some, but i'm guessing you could get it at the health food store....
now that you mention the shi shi accidents when you're outside i thought of the times when scotty had to shi shi and how convenient it was that he didn't have to squat! haha.
Good for her that she go shi-shi in big girl potty! I love the action shots you get- you're awesome! And I was laughing out loud with that first photo!!
awesome! what a CRACK up!
so funny!!!
ha! your children are so you it cracks me up! how cute is that chubby little girl sitting on a potty. wy has the same froggy potty. i am so jealous she is doing so good, and wy is a whole yr older and hes not even close. Ahhh boys drive me nuts sometimes! good job ivy!!!
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