second, UNDIES!!!
that's right, undies. and she is doing pretty damn good if you ask me. last friday i was about to pull out all my hair and give up, thus consigning myself to another two years of buying size 4 diapers, but this weekend we have turned the corner and i am stoked!
the only problem is, (and moms with experience feel free to give any advice because i am such a novice) i am scared to go anywhere for more than an hour. about how long till i can go for a long walk and not be scared that we will return home wet- and not from rain or sweat.? we already had a quite embarrassing accident in the grocery store, and i don't want to do that again- "clean up in the bakery, and bring a mop" sigh.
she is one head strong girl, but i think she is figuring it out.
anyways, i am trying to turn over a new leaf right now as well. the motto is: if the girls are awake, the computer is off. i can't really can get anything accomplished on the computer while they are awake anyways, but i don't want them to feel like i give more attention to pictures on a screen than to them. i am really scared of them growing up to be lumps on chairs watching the computer screen or movies all day. i am not even on the computer that much and we don't have television, but i am just trying to be less selfish when we are at home. so we are spending more time having fun, more time laughing and blowing on tummys, more time coloring and reading books- basically more time enjoying one and two year olds. and i have noticed that when i try to enjoy them more, there is a lot more to enjoy (and less accidents which is a main catalyst for coming up with the new motto). but you might notice, there may be less time devoted to blogging, or at least before 8 p.m.
and there is some new stuff in my etsy shop- my favorites being the octopus shirts, and some smaller size wave onesies. you know you want one...
Here is my life-saving advice.....take a porta-potty wherever you go for the first 2 or so weeks. Everywhere like outside, park, car, long walks, beach. Seriously, I've potty-trained 4 girls with the youngest being 3 yrs. It works, it helps them have confidence, it saves your butt when they are in the "I have to go right this very second" mode, and I have LOVED it!! Try'll fall in love too :)
you're the best Ash!
No potty advice yet, I'm still mentally preparing. I'll be calling you soon enough for some. I'm really impressed, by the way. I'm scared to death to try it. That picture of Velzy in underware is motivation though.... so stinking cute!! Good job mom of the year.
Yay Velzy! Hopefully she will get better and better at it. Micah is pretty traumatized by the move, so we will start potty training after the baby is born. I will be seeking your advice at that point!
you are a wonderufl example! this computer is terrible- I want to go blow on tummies right now! THANK YOU!!!
and an hour is about right, get familiar with public restrooms- gross but a necessary evil for this stage.
yay! good on you and velzy! cute pictures by the way...
and i love your new motto. i noticed that with jord and kasey, that the tv is always on, so now its seems to be a bit more limited... it's nice though that the weather is warming up and we can spend more time out side. on the other hand i had kasey turn the tv off to go do some yard work last weekend... and as i was cleaning inside i just had to put on a surf video in the back ground... kasey just laughed.
it's unbelievably ignorant and insensitive in today's world to throw around the word "retard" as an insult toward someone with whom you don't agree. please, PLEASE grow up.
what a sweet heart lil velzy is! congrats on the underpants! i used to wait until he had just gone to the bathroom and then quick get out while there was still time. you will find that you know where EVERY bathroom is EVERYWHERE you go. kind of funny. it seems like that stuff lasts forever, but it will be over soon...just in time for ivy to be potty trained!! j/k
congratulations! i'd be careful though! it seemed, for me, that anytime i made a point to talk about how well my girls were doing in the potty training department they'd regress and have more accidents! it's almost like i jinxed their success! haha!
whenever we would leave they had to pee beforehand. then when we got where we were going we just asked them several times if we needed to make a potty stop. for the most part those first few weeks we just stayed close to home!
oh boy, sarah b- i am really sorry for using the word retard, i meant dork.
left another comment on kelly's blog to say sorry for anyone i may have offeneded, i didn't mean to.
and why did you delete your comment off that post? wish i could have said sorry to you on your blog, but you left no link, so i hope this will do.
How exciting! You know I've been thinking the same thing about needing to spend more time with Mia instead of on the computer. I swear its hard to know sometimes what to do at home! I'm so much better with outtings and taking her swimming. Thanks for the motivation! Mia gets so stubborn when I try to teach her things, but I need to keep trying!
Great new motto! We're trying to work on that exact samething here. I need to read more books, tickle more toes, and play more games. What a great goal!
Public restrooms are the key for being able to go out. They are nasty, but necessary.
thank you for your sincere apology. i feel the need to apologize as well, and use the same "it was late" excuse. as someone who works with children who have special needs, that word is like fingernails on a chalkboard, especially when used as an insult. it had been a long day, and i took my stress out on your blog in response to your comment on kelly's. :( i'm sorry.
now, as for kelly's blog...i'm an avid reader and supporter, and i didn't even catch her post on politics. all i caught were the comments afterward. "sarah b" is probably a fairly common name. i wish i had caught kelly's post because i'm betting i would have agreed with much of what she said.
and i don't have a blog. :/
Way to go Velz!!!
Love the cute little model for your cute shirts.
I have Emma go potty right before we leave the house and then ask her whenever we pass a restroom in stores. We limit fluids while we run errands so she usually doesn't go potty again until we get back home. She was really easy to potty train (I just had to wait longer to train her than I wanted)but it worked out. I agree that a portable potty is a must for road trips or a park where there are no restrooms near. BTW - Ivy is so stinkin' cute chilling in the water on her tummy.
Oh, and congrats on potty training. I know you've really wanted that. You're such a good mom! Good job Velzy!
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