Tuesday, January 22

i am sorry. if you are looking at this blog and you live in a place where there is snow on the ground or have not felt the warm rays of the sun in the last few days you might not want to read this post.

government workers are so lucky. while most other desk jockeys were at their computer screens watching the clock and hanging out by the water cooler luke got hang at the beach yesterday. and even though his sinus' were congested and he felt like his head was going to explode, it was better than being at work, right? thanks m.l.k. jr.although everyone around these parts is sick we had to go to the beach yesterday. our friends the smiths are in town for the month (nice vacation, huh?) so we have been meeting up with them at the beach to play. they have a little boy taj who is the same age as velzy and the two of them have hit it off quite well. when they got to the beach velzy was all excited and ran up to him with a friendship offering of various assortments of crackers. they even play good together, at one point they were both wrapped up in towels laying next to each other giggling- or so i heard, i didn't see it cause i was surfing with jill. yep, us mom's got to go surf while dad's stayed in with the 4 kiddies. so good. the waves were not so good- it was crazy windy and the waves were overhead and all over the place, but it was fun none the less.
it's funny to think that there was a time when jill and i used to hop in each others trucks to go for a surf or snorkel to find shells. back in the simpler days, when all we brought with us was nothing. now we arrive with sippy cups, snacks, sunscreen, towels, beach toys, and bags with diapers. we used to go for runs on the beach behind our houses and now we go for walks to try and find crabs on rocks (jill, hope you don't mind me posting a picture of your back side, your look great). but, i am pretty sure we are both happy to be at the beach with our kids (most of the time!) and it's nice to see that i am not the only one that goes for walks on the beach with my hands full!

have i mentioned how ivy's diapers have been half sand lately? this is not an exaggeration, they are half sand. gotta wonder if it hurts on it's way out. she doesn't seem to mind though. and the nose crinkle smile just keeps getting better and better.

with a fun morning at the beach behind us we had a not so fun afternoon with sad, sick, needy babies. we are off to the dr's in an hour or so. hopefully we can put an end to this nasty cough and total congestion that has been around for the last two months or so. good times.
update: ivy is a sick little puppy. her eyes are infected from being so goopy and sick for so long= eye drops in a baby- kind of like torture to get a drop in, but it seems to be helping already. and some drugs to get rid of her never ending sickies- hope that works good too.


Erika said...

Words can't describe how much I wish I lived in Hawaii . . . a morning at the beach, I wish! The last couple of days I've DREADED going outside because it's FREEZING. What a life Velzy and Ivy have . . . and they don't even realize it!

Molly Malia said...

so mad right now! starting to feel a bit depressed... can i live through you and my brother right now? we just got 2 more feet of snow yesterday! our day will come when we came move somewhere warm, but a place that kasey can hunt... hmmm, where can we go? he is just going to have to learn to hunt crabs and mosquito's thats all there is to it!
love you guys, kiss the girls for me... and my little dog too!

The Bradys said...

i am so jealous you have no idea. so jealous. and the ivy diaper thing is cracking me up! poor baby! cuter by the day tho might i add. good luck at the dr.. i feel u on the sick part tho. i want it over too!

Jen C. said...

Oh the icky's are being passed around your neck of the woods too. I'm sick for the second time this month with them. I have to tell you, you take amazing photos. I would have to try and take a million before I got any half as decent as the ones you post!

Jen Cunningham

Lacey said...

sorry to say we gave up potty training too! Lizzy decided she can't live without a diaper, she begs for it now when not one, does make diaper changes a bit better cause she wants it on now, however has been harder to take off.. so i'll keep you posted. we actually went to the beach today also, however we were in coats and pants, no swimsuits or touching the water for that matter! tell the smiths HI!

K+C=M+K said...

Ash! Oh my gosh! So fun to hear from you guys! You have been busy girl, 2 kids? Or was it one, maybe I didn't read that right. I must say that I am jealous that you are still in gorgeous Hawaii- I miss it! Kirk and I just moved back to San Clemente (from Vegas) and see your extended family! You'll have to let me know when you'll be visiting next, and I'll make sure to read up on your blogs! xo

chanel said...

yeah there is snow here, but I LOVE your posts, I love knowing places exsist where moms are able to load up beach towel and sunblock, and dig a playpen in the sand for their baby! YOU ARE TOOO FUN!

Sorry there are sickies in those little beach bums, you'd never know it from the picts.

I can't wait to go to HI someday, I think we're planning it for when Julia turns 8- its great to be 8 right?

The Trotter Family said...

Wow, rough life Ash! I can't imagine spending day after day in the sun with happy babies (most of the time). I can't believe your doctor subscribed eye drops. They should have given you the ointment, so much easier! Micah had several eye infections, so I've been there done that. Hope they are all better now!

heidi said...

you're rad. i do love my rainboots, but would trade them in a millisecond for my slippers.

AJ said...

Hi ashley! I am coming out of the blog stalking closet also! I have totally peeked at yours. It was such a bummer to leave. When Jake gets done with school we would love come back...hopefully you guys will still be around.
Your daughters are rad!How cool.
And yes, I love having a government job as well! Wish we got paid better but at least we get these days off.

Katie said...

Hey Ashley! Its Katie that used to live in the Dolphin House (and we played water polo together)! I found your blog on Chelsea's. You're a mommy =) My husband and I are living with our 19 month old daughter in Puerto Rico. I would love to keep in touch. Email me: wtrbaby6@hotmail.com Also I have a blog, but its private, so if you email me I can email you an invite!

Kaity said...

Yeah. I'm super jealous. It has been cold and rainy here for days. I am glad for the trees, but we are sick of the house. Rad that you got to see Jill and Micah and kids too.

Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all you're a bit of a jerk! Winter sucks! 2nd of all...you never told us you have friends with a kid with the same name! It's amazing how we've met so many people with it now that we named him. I guess people wouldn't randomly tell you their friends childrens' names though.

Aubrey Jane said...

We are always so very jealous that you guys get to spend your holidays at the beach! We hope to be there soon, but only time will tell. We love your blog.
~The Kekauohas

Smiths said...

Just read the blog and i am almost in tears. I daydream about the family day at the beach. I also think we proved the imposible that day.. moms of two can find a way to get out and surf together!