Wednesday, December 19

the domino effect

pretty cool huh? no. the answer is no. we have been having problems with what i am calling "the domino effect" in the girls room for a while now. yesterday it happened ay 6 am, this morning at 5:43. it is what happens when ivy wakes up hungry and wakes up velzy, who is still tired, but won't go back to sleep. the result of this domino effect is a tired whiny little girl and a mom who is trying to feed a hungry little one and deal with the whiny little one. and that early i don't really want to listen to whining so i give in and turn on finding nemo- which i now have memorized, but it is better than elmo, i have to be grateful for that. the last two mornings ivy has gone back to sleep and i have ended up cuddled on the couch with velz trying to sleep a few minutes more.
so yeah, the domino effect sucks. i really don't like having the girls in the same room these days cause of the morning wake up routine and they won't nap at the same time cause one wakes the other up, and so on and so forth.
and did i mention we are all sick? yep, us too. it seems like everyone is sick right now. the girls are both snotty, and ivy is coughing and is cutting another tooth, which means she has a temperature and has been waking up every 2-3 hours at night. she is getting rocked this last week, i feel so bad for her- it's gotta be hard being so helpless and feeling so junk. i have a lovely cough and am coughing up green balls of goop and i think i gave it to luke. sharing is caring.
wow, this is such an upbeat and happy post.
i forgot to mention that the cool new pics on the side and that cute picture of ivy from yesterday are the ones that mark took last week, he got some great pics that i love. and i think that instead of christmas cards we will be sending out new years ones, i don't really feel like making cards right now, maybe next week.
ok, babies are crying, gotta run. hope everyone is feeling better and has a great day.


The Bradys said...

you sound like our house right now.... not fun! hope everyone is better by xmas! those pics are seriously amazing. the sky looks so rad with the colors of the picture! i totally agree with sending out new years cards.... get your rest while you can right now! i finally mailed mine today so hopefully it gets to hawaii soon!

Stephanie said...

Holy cow, I am so going through that lame morning thing too. Both kids wake each other up and you know the rest! I feel like I have been ran over by a truck! Is it weird that I miss Hawaii at Christmas time? I don't like this cold weather!

Anonymous said...

oh man that all stinks!

Tonya said...

ugh, that is the worst. so sorry. hang in there!! see ya soon!!!

Jen C. said...

I hope that you all feel better soon. The nasties are floating around D.C. too. Someone at work had strep throat last week. Ugh. Send out cards when your ready. Getting better is top pri right now!

Jen Cunningham

snlbarney said...

I feel for you. I wish I had some advice, but really, I haven't figured it out myself either... so let's make a deal that whoever figures out the "not having one wake up the other" solution 1st - to share with the other, deal?

Hope you guys have a great Holiday, we leave for Nor Cal tomorrow, and I am already excited to come back to warmer weather, as it is FREEZING up there! Enjoy that sun for me:)

Lucky Mommy said...

I found you! The domino effect sounds like twins. I have a lot of experience with how much that sucks. Can you put the baby in a pack and play in your bedroom, at least for naps? That's what's helped me a lot since we have 2 bedrooms. They don't wake each other up as quickly then and if I run in when the first one wakes up, the second one usually continues sleeping. You should call me and we can talk about some other ideas for getting them sleeping better. Merry Christmas!

Lucky Mommy said...
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Lucky Mommy said...

I meant to say it's the Rolph's. See us at

Smiths said...

YOu're always so possitive, I was starting to think you never had baby issues like the rest of us. That sucks, but thanks for comforting me in my learning process.

leslie said...

hey ash! i just played catch-up and read your last few posts--i've been out of town, and busy with holiday stuff, but i had to go back and read up on you and your fam! love you tons. love power outage. love velzy hiding among the brownies. love the poly movers wearing slippers. love love love!
