Sunday, December 17


actually, our visit on friday was pretty uneventful-no tears or screams just a blank stare.
i have to say this is the best santa that i have ever seen- real beard, writes all the kids names down in a book along with what they want, and super nice and talkative. He even gave us a stuffed reindeer and we didn't have a buy a thing!
in other news, i just cleaned up my first red-gatoraide puke from cream colored carpet. it all came out too! i think i was more traumatized than velzy- she just projectile vomited a ton of stuff then went on with life, while i sat there in amazement. kids. she and luke are both a little under the weather- poor guys!
we fly to california tomorrow, i am hoping that she will be better, don't want her taking after Grandma Billings and barfing on the plane (love you mom!)...


Anonymous said...

That Santa sounds AWESOME. We had our ward activity of Breakfast with Santa yesterday. Ethan and Kaleb- terrified of Santa, Asher-asleep. I'll post pics soon.

I am going to be praying for you guys. Tomorrow could be a rough day. Make sure you pack a change of clothes (including underwear) for you in your carry on. I had a friend who's kid puked on her during the flight and she had two connections that she had to get through covered in vomit. Horrible.

Poor Mama Daren. I have never met anyone who gets so motion sick.

kellymccaleb said...

where the heck is that santa!?
have fun in cali, merry christmas!

Robyn said...

Cool parks, awesome YMCA, Super Santa, I want to move to Virginia!

Anonymous said...

We'll miss you. Let us know when you're back so we can play! There is so much more of us you haven't seen. Please love us. Please want us.

Anonymous said...

Nice Santa Pic. V totally looks like Cindy Lou Whoo with her ponytail sticking straight up. I love it.

Safe and happy flying! I can't wait to meet all of you at the lunch.

lauren said...

aww v throwin up. i feel her pain. yep im still bowin down to the porcelin throne. but im not even thinking about it. im to excited about you guys being in the same state as me. and i just got your x mas card, cute. im not doing them this year, i think i have a pretty good excuse for doin nothing for the next couple weeks.

Erin said...

Maybe that is the real Santa!