Tuesday, October 3

this little girl...

...is going to turn ONE tomorrow...got 3 shots today and barely cried...makes me laugh...gives the best hugs when she wakes up...is getting better at riding in the car...has a better tan than me...likes to flirt with older mexican men in restaurants...has to work on her upper body strength because she didn't crawl and is "weak"...loves her daddy...is named after a beach...says "dog" and barks when she sees one...rivals marry poppins for being practically perfect in every way (to me)...oh, and she's going to be a big sister too.


Tonya said...

Happy Birthday, Miss Velzy!! I love the one year old stage. They are beginning to explore their world with such innocence. I love it that she skipped crawling, it is pretty much useless if you can walk. Why get your hands and knees dirty? Yep, she's a smarty.

Oh, btw, congrats! (Again.) What a cute way to announce you're preggers. Are you guys going to find out what this baby is? I can't remember, did you find out with V? You will love having your kids 19 months apart. It's a lot of work in the beginning, but they always have a built in playmate. Kaleb now CRIES when we drop Ethan off for preschool. Pretty cute.

ashley said...

yea, we are really exctied! they will be the same age gap that adam and i are, so that will be rad. we didn't find out what velzy was cause i was hardcore not finding out, but this time we are going to, but that is still like 3 months away, i think!

Anonymous said...

get out! i am soooo happy for you. congrats! and velzy looks so cute. tell her happy birthday!

Melinda said...

Oh my goodness. That is so exciting. Wow, you are brave. Lately I've been thinking about how I should get pregnant again soon, but after last night I don't think I'll be ready. Taylor gave us quite a rough night and decided to stay up from 1-4am. I am so tired.

That is a good age gap. Unfortunately, Taylor is going to have almost a 3 year gap unless things start happening soon. That is so great. Congratulations!

Meggan said...

Wow, Congratulations Ashley! 19 months sounds really close together, but once you get past the toddler stage, it sounds like a lot of fun! Good luck! Please find out what you're having so I don't have to wait the whole 9 months!

Tonya said...

Hey, Ash, I don't have your email. But my email is my first and last name @cox.net.

Jen said...

Hi Ashley- I'm Tons friend and I just saw your link on her page. I'm a little slow these days.

Congrats on the pregnancy! I love how you announced it

Anyways- how cute is she? I was just thinking how we have a couple things in common. I have a baby girl that we named after Makena beach in Hawaii, and much to Meggans dismay, we didn't find out what we were having with her either.

Happy Birthday Velzy!

Anonymous said...
