hey, look! we are all in a picture together! that never happens anymore.

1. velzy is fun. she is always up for an adventure. i wish she and i could just run off into the mountains and hike or go explore more often.
(i did say give me attitude for this pic...)

2. she loves her friends. a lot.
3. still has the best legs.

4. likes to do her own thing. wants to play with her own friends, wants her own room, hates when people copy her... i get it. it's fun to watch, until it's annoying.
5. she started jiu jitsu a few months ago, part of me thinks she likes to go to hang with friends (see #2) but her long gangly body is pretty good at it i think.

pretty sure she just thinks she is a big person these days. she is fun to talk to and hear her views on life. and she loves to talk, has to tell all about everything.

1. decided to ride her bike the other day after a year hiatus. in typical ivy style she worked for an afternoon in front of grandma connie's house at riding till she had it figured out and has never looked back. no help from me or anyone else was allowed.
2. loves to sing and have dance parties. she gets the hugest smile on her face when you sing with her.

3. has me check the weather everyday when she gets up so she can plan her outfit accordingly. getting dressed in the morning is still the most annoying thing...

4. Eats like an adult. Any and everything. she is always stealing my food becuase it looks better than what she has on her plate. and she can almost out eat me, which is saying
a lot.
5. she joined velz in jiu jitsu last month. the people that teach her say she is really good and love her smile while she is working.
her smile is priceless. her tears and cry are the worst.
she is also my lola whisperer, she has a way of talking to her that can get her to calm down when none of us can. that and she is always ready with a pacifier and blanket.


1. let's be honest, she is the cutest human being alive. she is sweet and funny and has the greatest little personality. she walks around with her hands in her pockets of her sweatshirts, is really into wearing a backpack, and sings along to taylor swift in the car with the big girls.
2. she is still obsessed with babies. looooooves babies. a lot. loves pushing strollers, holding and bouncing them while "sushing."

3. has finally started talking more. my favorite phrases: "i did it" "WOW, mom..." and when we pull in the driveway she says "yay! we home!"
the other day i stopped for a guy at cross in a cross walk, apparently he was slow cause she yelled out "GO GUY!" so funny!

4. she is a way better listener and helper than her sisters. i can ask velzy or ivy to do something and they won't move but she will go do it. she likes to help and clean up.
5. she is currently obsessed with riding her bike. especially with her buddy river, they ride up and down the driveway everyday.

and she is still the cuddliest little girl. she loves to push her face up close in mine and giggle. since chirstmas she has been obsessed with santa and asks about him daily and freaks out every time she sees the camera because she wants to look at pictures of santa on it.