apparently, you can only have 100 readers on a private blog. surprisingly- i never knew our everyday vacation of a life was so exciting and/or popular- i have a few more emails than 100 to add to my private blog roll invite thingy. so i feel really bad but if i don't know you, you may not get an invite to this blog. i am sorry. don't take it personally, i have to add emails of friends and family first. and i hate private blogs even more now ;) but will be going private soon. like, as soon as i get my lazy butt in gear to make the email list.
Forgot to add me:
wait... add me?
oh no! you don't "know" me! does that mean i'm getting axed? i hope not! you know my sister really well and have surfed with her, plus i know luke, does that help my chances at all??? ;-) i hope so!
Hey Ashley! If you have any room, please add me =). It's That's awesome that you have 100+ followers!!!
I left my email on your previous post, and i hope you remember me from the deck house :)
I love looking at your blog and your photography.
-hoping to make the cut!
LOVE that picture!!
i hope i make the cut!
i knew you were so popular and i was wondering what you would do if you exceeded the 100. i thought you wouldn't go private if that was the case.
now i know.
and i darn well better be added as a reader.
just sayin'.
I totally understand if you don't add me. I mean.. I don't know you personally.. I just found your blog 6 months ago, but we have a lot in common, specially that love for the words that start with "s", like Surf, sun, smile, skateboarding, Sara, ... I just don't know many moms that surf like me. It was fun to find a large family on surfboards like mine :). If (if...) you have any room, add me, please (! If not, it's ok!
If there is still room, I am a faithful reader!
that's funny. I hope everything is going well with the pregnancy. These last couple of weeks seem the hardest for me. I honestly don't mind if she were to come 2 weeks earlier, as long as she's healthy of course:)
I hope that I make the cut! It's the best way of keeping up with how you guys are doing since I don't get to talk to Luke at work hardly at all. I understand if I don't make it, but I will miss seeing how you guys are doing!
Hey Ashley,
unfortunately I do not know you "personally" and I only found your blog a few month ago. But since then i loved reading it and looked always forward to a new entry. I spent one month on Hawaii last year and reading your blog gave me a little bit of that vacation feeling. Especially your pics (I think we use the same camera) make me smile… I would be thankful for being on the list!
All the best from the other side of the world (Germany)
Why do you have to go private?
Maybe you can make a fake e-mail and give that log-in to all the people you don't totally know but are faithful and kind readers.
mariko your a genius! i am going to explore that option for sure!
add me too!
My friend ran into the same problem, but she just made a second blog and copied and pasted it all. Maybe that will help?
Please add me Ash!
look ash dont know you but think if lived near would be great friends your girls remind me of my little girls but if i dont make cut understand you live in a beautiful place and good luck on the new baby hope i get to see her on here but i know she will be beautiful just look at her mom and sisters may god be with u and your family have a great day tina
Don't axe me! xx
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