Wednesday, February 10

speaking of rotting....

velzy went to the dentist today and got a filling and a silver tooth (kiddie crown? sort of?). it's pretty cool, or so she thinks. she did a great job. ivy and i got to stay in the room, she went back and forth asking me to stay and telling me i could wait outside. in the end, ivy really wanted to watch and i think velzy was a little relived we were there too. my favorite part was when she tried to take a drink of water in the car and since she was so numb she couldn't keep the water in her mouth and it dribbled out all over her. it was not her favorite part. not at all. but, i was entertained.

i feel like there is a lot to blog about, but i probably will just make a list here and leave it at that.
yesterday was luke's birthday. we had a fun calzone night here with his family tonight to celebrate and we are going to go shooting with his bro and friend on friday, should be fun. it has been beautiful here lately and we have had so many fun beach days. while ivy was at happy school and velzy played with grandma connie the other day i took of and surfed v-land for the first time in a long time. velzy's namesake never lets me down. i am now teaching the 4-5 year olds at church. should be interesting, and i am excited about it. i really miss having a gym down the street. i am not a fan of honolulu. at least, not it's traffic or the fact that i don't know my way around there. i should be doing lots of things other than sitting at the computer, so i am going to get off now.


liko said...

happy birthday to your hubby!
lots of fun things going on for you!
and i love how your anxiety keeps your computer time in-check. :-)

Aubrey Jane said...
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Aubrey Jane said...

What a brave girl Velzy is! Noah has rotting teeth too and wouldn't let the dentist touch them until he was almost 5. He's such a whimp!

The Trotter Family said...

Yikes! Did the dentist say what it was from? I have had a ton of fillings in my teeth and the dentist just told me I had soft teeth and that was that. My niece was practically raised on sugar and still has not had one cavity and she isn't a good brusher. Then there is my friend whose son had a filling because they said he had too much juice. To top that off, the dentist I have told me not to share foods with my kids because the bacterias I have in my saliva creates more cavities. Could I get a clear message here?

ice cream barrels said...

ha! gummy beans strike again! I had to go to gummy beans anonymous but you brought them back up again ...i think i am back on the wagon or is it "fell off the wagon"? those things are hard to find, though...

one time the dentist said I had 9 cavities all over my whole mouth.... always wish i had shark mouth teeth...they don;t even take advantage of the fact that they could be eating candy alll the time and have no cavity worries, just grow back a new set.

Mariko said...

My girl screamed screamed screamed at the dentist, and all she did was clean her teeth. No scratching, no fillings, no xrays--
Thank goodness she had no cavities, because I think we would have had to knock her out to get into that mouth.
You guys even have fun at the dentist. !!!