Tuesday, January 12


ivy does not have a temperature. she and velzy have been back to their crazy selves playing, laughing, jumping, and getting on each others nerves. it's good to have them back to normal. for the last couple weeks ivy (and velz too, just not as extreme) has been up and down, hot (super hot) and cold, totally fine then completely miserable. we got her some medicine on sunday that seems to have done the trick. she didn't wake herself up at 6:30 coughing and gagging like she has done everyday for the last week, and she actually slept in until 8:20- wonderful. she still coughs but it's on it's way out. i hope, the girl has been coughing since november. so we are staying close to home for one more day, just to make sure whatever it is what was bugging her is gone. good riddance.

i don't know what it is, but kids in hawaii are always sick- little colds and flu's run rampant. luke refers to it as a "germ orgy" here- the warm humidity is the perfect breeding ground for all sorts of "sickies." most kids run around barefoot and snot nosed year round. good thing we have warm salt water in abundance to clear out the nasal cavities!


liko said...

it is so annoying, sick, better, then sick again. endless cycle. oh, and it gets worse once they are in school. sorry to be a downer...

Jennelle said...

aaaaaaaw nose drip. lovely. Not to claim that I was ever great at surfing by any means because I wasn't and I am still not.... but i remember one time I went to a yoga class right after surfing and out it came...right as I was in the middle of downward dog.

hope your little rugrat feels better soon =o)

Stephanie said...

I guess that's why they call them the hannahbuddah (sp?) days right? :) but I know what you mean. I feel like we have Bern some form of sick since Halloween!

chanel said...

wait.... there IS actually something that is a bummer about Hawaii? I don't know if i can believe it. does this sound snotty (no pun intended)? I don't mean to, I just have this picture of you living in pretty much perfection, so I am blown away. Hope they get better soon- no fun!