i am sort of bummed that my first homecoming dance picture is not around, i will look for it but for the time being we will skip it and move on. moving on, i give you- winter formal 1998.

date: jason tobin (if you are feeling bad about missing out on homecoming, don't. it was the same guy- same porcupine hair. subtle differences- i had a purple dress (that my mom made), french tip nails, bad hair, and i "liked" him).
dress and jewelry: an amazing long black velvet thing with a really high slit. a necklace that my dad gave me- it's gold and has a heart pendant and one side of the heart has a few blue rhinestones (what are those ones called?) that looks like a wave, so i liked it. and i was really pumped on the rad dagger nails- they were really fun to dig into girls on opposing soccer teams that i didn't particularly like.
other magical details: i think i might have "broken up" with him right before the dance and we still went together. yeah, i am pretty sure that is how it went. so that was an awkward evening. this dance was at knott's berry farm and that is all i remember- it must have been awesome cause i remember so many details.
and one of the must do activities at a dance- take a picture with the varsity soccer girls that were there- check out the leg that is being shown- yow!

hope you had a good laugh, i promise things will only get funnier from here on out. be sure to tune in to next weeks formal friday for jr prom. same bat time, same bat channel.
oh. my...... (then speechless)
those are the first and only words that popped out of my mouth when I saw these.
and then I did this:
ahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! ha ha ha!
something like that.
I'm so excited about next week formal Friday. Thanks for sharing you hot mamma!!! =)
Hi Ashley- I left you a comment forever ago letting you know I stalk your blog (we grew up in the same stake.)
Anyway, just wanted to tell you I totally love this idea. Reminiscing about the glory days is so fun, hope you don't mind if I copy!!
I, for one, recall that night vividly. My boyfriend took me to the McDonald's right near the park (it has a rollercoaster theme to it) and we arrived in style via his 1988 Honda Civic.
It was drizzling that night but I still found a way to get onto the Supreme Scream in my long, formal gown. Today, I'd be willing to cut off my right arm just to fit back into that dress!
I still have my picture of me and my friends in the giant, novelty chair. I thought that thing was so freaking cool. Looking back, my boyfriend totally looked like a limo drive so at least be thankful your date dressed up! Ha!
First of all... is that ginormous red velvet chair you girls are sitting on real?? I have never seen a chair so big! That is awesome! Can't wait to see next weeks picture!
i agree with melissa. my reaction was about the same as hers.
your dates hair is killin me off. so funny!!!
and...um...yeah, great gams by the way.
i agree with melissa. my reaction was about the same as hers.
your dates hair is killin me off. so funny!!!
and...um...yeah, great gams by the way.
Great idea...formal fridays! I LOVE that hair and those nails. OH, and that date of yours has got hair to die for! I laughed out loud when I saw that picture and, in the process, startled poor Jane. Too funny. I love going back in time and doing the "Remember when..." Maybe I'll have to do it sometime. Looking forward to next Friday.
Those red nails...AWESOME!! Love the idea of posting old pics from high school. I can't wait til next week.
Talk about a flashback! Jason Tobin, he was such a cutie. I think I could still name most of the girls on that ginormous chair...I never realized how many Ashley's there were on that team!
Hilarious! I love your velvet dress and his flaming spikes:) I recognize a couple of girls from your group photo from AYSO. Good times:)
Oh my goodness. You totally look exactly the same! You would die if you saw mine! How funny!
This is hillarious. I gotta hand it to you- I wince just looking though my "drawer" of stuff, let alone blogging about it. You're rad.
wonderful--a friend of mine does "flashback fridays" and i've thought of doing it too, but have i...no, i guess its on my to do list. your dance was awesome--the nails, the date, and especially the sweet chair.
wowzahs!!! haha! you got me laughing, rolling laughing, ashley!! and you are so brave to post high school stuff. um, i try to forget about it...check out those legs - they look the same, and you look the same, but you look hotter, and skinnier now as a mama. haha!! size 1? hello! never can say i fit that! and i love your date's hair - sooo trendy. 1998 - i was a junior. knottsberry farm - how fun!
thank you for this.....
Haha! I can not believe your dates hair, it is unreal! I love this idea, and wish my high school photos were here with me in Hawaii! You gotta love High School.
This totally made my night. Thanks Ash! And of COURSE I have size 1 pants... UM NO! I don't recall ever wearing that size.
LOVE your date's hair. It totally rocks! I can't wait to see next weeks!
Wow, that is funny. I have a box just like your drawer at my mom's. Now that I have a scanner, I might have to copy your idea. But wait, I look nothing like I did in my formal pictures, but you look the same! Actually, you look more grown up and even more beautiful now, but why is it that you don't look a day older? No fair! I forget that you went to my school. I remember that big chair picture. And I remember Kelly and Yuka too!
yes, everyone please do formal fridays it would be so funny!
Those pictures are priceless!
Hey you guys wanna come with us to panama? It'll be lots of fun! We're going to an island called Morro Negrito look it up and come with us! =)
awesome! you look the same only with a better style. I'm tempted to blog my prom picture. The dress was so out of control. My food blog peeps would be freaked out. oh well I might have to anyway....
the porcupine hair dude is awesome. I hope his hair style hasn't changed
So funny Ashley! I haven't checked your blog in forever! HOw is CA? I miss it!
what a fun idea!
it helps a lot that you haven't changed in 11 years! i seriously wondered if you edited your face today into that picture- CRAZY!
umm, nice smokin hottie group pict, good see you were able to come out of your shell! :)
and your date's hair- wow!
that is just all sorts of amazing and fabulous...
I LOVE IT!! i seriously want to do it too. hmm, high school pics are in storage in utah ... maybe in a few years i'll return to zion and get 'em.
his hair. your nails. your thighs. the fact that you look the same. and his hair. wow.
awsome! post more i want to see!
Love Formal Fridays! Can't wait to see this weeks! My formals were sooo long ago - I don't dare post the pictures. Someone might question if it's really me! I've not aged well. But you look just the same!
Oh yes, that hair... who could have made it through high school without that hair. I love the velvet dress- I sported one at least twice to different dances. And I have to say, your date was at least cute! He reminds me of the guy that plays Edward in Twilight- see it? No?
i remember the big chair and for some reason i remember you going with that guy. ha ha, memories.
cute boppies!
i remember the big chair and for some reason i remember you going with that guy. ha ha, memories.
cute boppies!
seriously dying! i totally remember that dance... even better i saw jason last night hahahahah and u r so right, u guys broke up that day! hahah
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