Wednesday, August 6

oh, and we have the best beach bbq's...

it's not a claim, but a fact. we just do.


Anonymous said...

I love all of your pictures. Keep them coming. Summer in CA sure does look perfect.

Da Denninghoff's said...

I haven't been to a barb b q in a long time. I'm craving some grilled fresh ocean fish:)

betsy said...

Holy picture overload Batman! I loved seeing your fun times in CA.

Smiths said...

So when exactly did Velzy go so blonde? It never hit me until now.

CA looks like a good time. I can see why you are so fond. The waves looked so clean. Guinea Pigs? Fo' real?!

AJ said...

I declare that there are absolutely no blogging rules reguarding time and posts. You can blog whatever you want whenever your want. Glad I could inspire you. Glad you had an awesome time in California.

I don't know whose skills are better from the photo of Velzy. Her placement of footwork or you amazing skills to catch it at just the right time. Either way, incredible.