Tuesday, August 12

the life aquatic

if i was to ever rename my blog it would become "the life aquatic."  and why wouldn't it?  oh how i love that movie and it has one of the best soundtrack of all times.  especially the ping island song it is my favorite (go ahead and check that out on itunes, so good), and i dance to it really good in the car too.  
anyways, we went to the honolulu aquarium yesterday (you get to do things like this when you have family in town) and it was quite fun.  

team zissou interns niki and ivy:
 and the other interns velzy and jord:
niki's perfect expression for looking at or rather having shark jaws looking at her. 
i love octopus'.  they are such cute suckers.
 coolest clams ever. 
da jelly's 
 and the random man's arm tank.  very cool


Anonymous said...

I love the zoo! At my hula thing this weekend, we could hear the monkeys "singing" along with the music.
Went to El Palenque last week-end. Have you gone there yet? Order something where you get corn tortillas...she makes them by hand!

Do you know anyone in my ward, Waialua?

Jennelle said...

I know..how great is life aquatic! I bought the soundtrack the day after I watched the movie way back when.

Honolulu Aquarium makes for a fun time...I am starting to miss the Island! I think I am having reverse Island fever.

chanel said...

cool stuff man.
i like to eat octopus's suckers, its my only claim to eating anything remotely exotic.

and i haven't told you yet but I LOVE your side bar picts!!! Man are they awesome picts!

AJ said...

seriously such a good movie. the keikis are so cute.

Tonya said...

those are some seriously cool clams! beautiful colors!