Friday, February 29

i kind of feel bad for the girl with big blue eyes pictured here.

i am positive that i was not polluting velzy's body with things like mac-n-cheese and apple jacks at 10 months old. i totally remember, after reading that babies should not eat too much salt, taking pretzels and scraping off the salt before giving it to velzy. so much for the second, and any subsequent children that i may have.
but then again, look how velzy turned out...


The Grahams said...

Before I even had Jack I was totally convinced I would feed Jackson all the healthiest foods only and that he would just be so healthy...... now that I have him and he is the pickiest eater there ever was, I am just grateful when he eats anything, even if it means putting ketchup or ranch on everything just so he will eat it! Poor kid loves sugar more than anything. He does love his milk though!

The Bradys said...

hey whatever doesnt kill them only makes them stronger....

Jen said...

What's a little yellow dye #357 every once in a while?

As long as THEY don't start changing colors, right?

lauren said...

ohhh those eyes! i miss her. and is her nose still snotty???

Molly Malia said...

just as long as they're eating right?

Anonymous said...

i want to eat THEM! they are so cute.

Smiths said...

I'm so glad I get to watch you go through everything with a second kid before I have to. You're kind of testing the waters for me. Thanks.

Billings Family said...

Ha! Imagine what happens to the 5th! Is that why it took him till 15 months to walk?

Malia said...
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heidi said...

sooo true!! wonder what it will be like after the second? love the eyes and velzy and oshyn have the same smile--must be the first born nut job smile. i mean that in the best way velz.

Melissa said...

haha awesome face!

chanel said...

cracking me up! i did the same thing with the pretzels. Julia never had chocolate before she was two, Luaren was a chocoholic by 12 months!

Aubrey Jane said...

I didn't let Islay have suckers until she was in preschool. Noah has been eating them forever & he has a cavity! Beware the suckers!

snlbarney said...

Adorable pics, and Velzy's shirt - Old Navy right? Just got it for Malia:) I tagged you the husband tag, I hope you haven;t done it already, but Sean would love to hear all you have to say about Luke, and I would find it good reads also:) Check out my blog for details...

mahina said...

oh, just wait until the third child! it gets worse with every one! i feel sorry for our last child! we'll probably start the kid on pixy stix!

The Trotter Family said...

I'm jealous you can get her to eat it. I have the pickiest boy ever. I would love to be able to make him mac n cheese for lunch!