day #4
oh my darling,
how i love you clementines.
the other day we came home from costco and velzy was all of the sudden in a really crabby mood so i put her on my bed and told her to take a nap, and she just whined. then i remembered that i had a new box of "orange candy" and asked her if she wanted one. her reply made me laugh so hard: "yes," then pointing to herself "i happy now" and the whining was over. she peeled herself a clememtine, enjoyed it "mmm, juicy", and then took a nap. i love you clementines.
They make me happy too V! MMM Juicy, is right!
Yum. Totally with you on this one...
absolute instant reason to love clementines! mmm
The best thing about a clementine (besides that they are yummy) is that the kids can peel them and eat them, all on their own!
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