snip-snip. good bye pacifiers. today is velzy's one week anniversary of being pacifier free. this is a huge deal. huge. the first few nights/naps were a little rough, but tonight she only yelled momma like twice and then went down, so we are stoked. she is so funny. the first night i laid and rubber her back to get her to sleep, so now at night she says "back" and i have to give here a little mini back rub before i leave, it is so funny.
ok, so hopefully we get some internet at home tomorrow and i will post more regularly....wish us luck.
Micah was a big baby, so we got rid of them before he was one since he looked like a big doofus with them. We tried the snipping thing too, but he ended up sucking in a ton of air and it made him throw up. A day later, he was over them. Now his blanket is another story, I think he will be thirty and still sleeping with that thing!
Look at her little bikini tan line. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Congrats on the pacifier and good luck with the back rubbing, my parents did that with me and now Joe is hating it because I always ask for a back scratch. He thinks they have ruined me. I think it is the most enjoyable thing ever.
i tell kasey that if he starts "tickling" the babies back then he is stuck doing it for life! jordan always wants it done and it is sometimes a drag cause it goes on and on for ever... so only "daddy" does it:)
You brave souls! It's a good thing I'm not a parent yet because I think I would just let them keep sucking until they graduate from high school if it kept them quiet. ;)
Good girl V! Can't wait to kick the binky habit in this house too!!
Back rubs are always good at any age.
i really thought ethan was going to go on his mission with his "pete". that's what we called it. luckily, it wasn't so bad getting rid of it. and the other two refused to take a paci. bummer when they were small, but great not to have to go through getting rid of them.
when are you gonna post some shackaliscious barrel pics. I know you don't get to surf as often as you want, but please, i am dyin out here for some pounders pics..please........
Way TO GO!!!! That is such a hard thing to do, sounds like you guys are doign great with it though! V is such a great girl!
THANK you for your kind thoughts too, I REALLY REALLY appreciate it!!
So, I see the snipped nipple part - are there any other hints?? I hvae a MAJOR binkiaholic in Malia! I am glad that you are having success - pass it on:)
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