Saturday, December 8


Molly Malia said...

great pictures ash...
don't tell v what those do

Anonymous said...

I want a new camera!

The Bradys said...

hahaah love the moving and unpacking post. so funny. i hate u by the way, dip below 70, it has been like 50 in these parts. burrrrr....... how cute is velz with the shrooms hahahahhahaha i like mollys comment! haha

and yes kristyn is having twins... should be interesting! poor thing but they have been trying for years, did invitro actually so the twins had nothing to do with genetics tho. but they are ECSTATIC, i cant wait for them to get here.

The Trotter Family said...

The pictures you took of the brown eye and blue eye team are so amazing. Although, Ivy looks like she might be in a jail cell. Can't beat the Hawaii cinder block look! Seriously though, you have an eye for photography!

Kirstin said...

I love her destructive nature. She totaly get's that from you. Have fun enjoying your stuff and staying warm. I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow, but I'd enjoy a power outage day more. Hugs

ashley said...

funny enough, these pictures are not from my new camera- it was raining a little and i didn't want the new one to get wet, so these are from my handy little sony!

echo said...

hi ashley- i just found your blog so i have been reading all about you and your fam. we need to hang out sometime!

chanel said...

very funny!
love that you just let the pictures do the talking.
and GREAT vibrant colors, what a camera!

betsy said...

seek and destroy

Tonya said...

love it! one second she is totally checking the mushrooms out, the next, obilterating them.

Jen said...

The naturalist strikes again!