Thursday, November 15

my seven month sweetie

ok, ivy is rad. this little white water totally took her out right after this picture was taken, and she just laughed. ivy is so fun these days. not that she wasn't before, but there was a time period a few months ago when she was really needy and now she is pretty much totally out of that, unless it is dinner time of course. anyways, she is such a happy little one, she always has a huge grin on her face and is so funny.
(sorry about the shadow's on the face)she's still working on the crawling, which is really funny. she doesn't quite get the move your arms part, so she spends a large portion of the time nose diving when she is on the floor. as you can see she is still quite the good little eater (her new favorite being sand), such a little chubby ball of love. she still has no teeth- luckily for mom. and she has gone back to sleeping from 7:30- around 5 or 6 and then sleeps an hour or so after that when i am really lucky. not that it matters cause velzy wakes me up at 6 on the dot anyways, but it's nice to have an hour with just velz. these kids have the life. seriously.


The Bradys said...

no kidding the life huh... so jealous!! wish i was at the beach :(

chanel said...

she's such a doll!
and of course she laughed when the water took her out, have you met her parents?

lauren said...

kiss my girlfriend for me... love kardiff

Jen said...

They are so cute!!

Tonya said...

those chicas are adorable.

Becky said...

i love your life. it looks like you go to the beach everyday. is this true? your girls are getting so big. they are adorable. i bet they grow up loving to surf like you and your hubby.

Missy said...

Cute, cute girls Ashley. Enjoy your break at the beach - you deserve it wtih all that moving. When do you come to California next?