Saturday, October 13

half a year?

how fast does time fly these days? fast. ivy is six months old today. wowzers.
i know i put a lot of claims out there, but i have to say that i have the cutest six month old in the world right now. ivy is so so freaking cute- with her happy screeches, her happy eyes and big grins, how she loves to watch everyone kicks her legs when she is happy. oh, i just love this little one so much. now if she would just work on her tan a little so i don't have to worry about her super haole skin getting burnt, everything would be gravy. we learned something new about ivy this last few weeks: she has a crazy long tongue. seriously, we are talking gene simmons here folks. it's amazing. she's workin on her sitting skills and if she is not paying attention can sit pretty well. and she is still a little piggie she digs baby food and her newest favorite is sand. she happily had a couple handfuls yesterday, i will never understand why kids love to eat sand. i have had quite a few mouthfuls of sand in my day and there is nothing appetizing about it.anyways, like i said: cutest six month old, ever.


Becky said...

it does seem like you just had her. i remember you begging for her to just come out already. it is so fun to see how cute she is. she just keeps getting cuter, if that is even possible.

Jen said...

She is very cute!!She looks like she's got pretty good color to me. Not like the locals, but still...

That sister pic is too cute! All these pics make me CONSIDER, POSSIBLY, MAYBE THINKING ABOUT another one.

snlbarney said...

She is an adorable little girl! I love her big innocent eyes:) I love to look at your blog and remember the wonderful Hawaii baby days -- it doesn't get any better then onesies year round! I am currently layering Malia in a longsleeve onsie, followed by a shortsleeve one, with jeans and socks... I'm sure you don't miss that!

Stephanie said...

Hey Dude! She is cute but my little 4-month old is also in the running for cutest baby of the year! I am jealous that Velzy can tan, I think marrying Sam Jones has given me some pretty white kids! Oh well...

Tonya said...

You are right, Ash, she is darling!! I love the pic of her and Velz hugging. So awesome. Isn't 6 months the best age ever? No tantrums, no messes, they are just happy to be here. LOVE it.

Anonymous said...

I must agree, she is super adorable. She is starting to resemble Velz a little bit, but she's her own little person too. I love 6 months. Lucky her to be hanging around in just onesies over there.

The Bradys said...

yer right! cutest six month old ever! looking more and more like her sister too i must say!

hey she could be as white as wyatt and then u may have a problem! haha she will soak up those hawaiian rays in no time!

Robyn said...

Oh Ashley, she is so cute. I am sad that she's 6 months old. It's gone by too fast! Velzy looks so pretty with her butterfly cake and it looks like your parents had a great time with them!

Candace said...

she's so cute! i love the excited leg kick as well.

Jessica Brown said...

Ash she is the cutest six month old ever! I still can't tell who she looks like. And as far as the sand goes, I totally know what you mean. When we were in CA this summer Liv had tons of sand. In fact thats pretty much all she did. It was all fun and games until her first couple of diapers. Can we say ex foliated butt??

Billings Family said...

Yah, I have to agree, she is pretty dang cute! Can't wait to see you guys!

maryam said...

Your girls are too cute! I bet they are loving Hawaii! You guys get to be on vacation everyday.

Melinda said...

Oh my goodness. They are even cuter now than ever! I can't believe how big Ivy is. Are you loving your new place?

heidi said...

okay so could you get any more comments? man--you are the bloggin' woman! anyways, i just figured out that it was you that wrote a comment on my blog (so i'm a bit new), i thought it was a girlfriend from high school...alrighty then--
so i guess the nobmanns are populating the male race and the moffats the female. i'm sure oshyn would dig velzy (can you imagine if kids with names like that married?) and cruz told me he thought he could go for older women like ivy. cool to see pictures of your munchies. how's the beach with kids? we had our taste when cruz was 2 weeks--a bit different eh? :) soak it up for us though. nothing could be better, ex foliation and all!