Thursday, March 15

some random thoughts

although a little harder on the body, babies are way easier to take care of you when they are still inside.
why are every ones kids sick? it makes me sad. sad for the poor kid-o's and sad for parents, mostly mom's who have to help the helpless.

this morning= more puke in the crib + more diarrhea. which is weird because velzy has been acting totally normal not like she is sick, but apparently there is some little bug still in there that is causing quite the snot flowage and tummy troubles. it might be just a little my fault becuase i let her eat some foods that were't exactly on the BRAT diet, but like i said she was acting fine all day! at times like these i am so so so glad that we have a washing machine.

anyways, on a not so gross note, the the ultrasound went good yesterday and all is well. from what i could tell from the calculations the machine was making the baby is measuring at 34 weeks for the most part, so that is good. glad i didn't get all worked up about it.

also, my fabric came for the baby blanket and i stayed up last night sewing some of it- love it! now i just need to decide what i want to do and how big i want it to be, i am so indecisive these days!


Tonya said...

Sorry Velz is so stinking sick and sorry you have to deal with it! Ugh.

I'm so glad things look okay on ultrasound. Thank heavens! She looks cute, of course, how could she not be!

Your blanket looks awesome. I love those colors. You are so cool.

leslie said...

ok i just had this image flash through my mind of the nazi quilt you accidentally made [that was you right, not someone else?]

love the fabric and love the ultrasound picture... let's decide who she looks more like, you or luke!!

Missy said...

Ok, I missed this post when I came this morning. I got caught up on the baby ultrasound. The colors and fabric patterns look so fun Ashley! I'm excited for you...

Becky said...

i am so glad to hear everything is alright. the baby quilt is going to be so darling. i bet that is so fun to see an ultra sound of your soon to be baby daughter.

Candace said...

I didn't even see this post last time i stopped by. cute, cute, cute. your quilt is going to be awesome!