Sunday, October 22

crazy girl

we went trunk or treating at church this saturday night...first off, we got this sweatshirt as a joke last november at babies-r-us, for a whopping $2, so she could wear it last spring and the thing still fits. so, she sort of looks like a boy, but it's so cold here that she's gotta wear something warm, this works. Luke tried to draw a skeleton face on her with some eye liner but she was not too stoked on that so we only got a little make up on her. but other than that velzy was so into the whole halloween thing, she was seriously crazyas soon as we got there. then Luke gave her part of a kit-kat and it was over after that. she was walking around all over the place, picking up stray m&m's, screaming with delight, and following around kids three times her size, i guess she is really an october kid. this first picture is my favorite, i think she looks like Gene Simmons from KISS.


Melinda said...

Velzy, oh Velzy. She is so funny. I love the costume. Why was your trunk or treat so early? Ours is on Halloween night. Taylor is going to be a witch. Ha! I love the pumpkin patch pictures. Sometimes I can't believe how old she is. I always think she is way younger than Taylor but I guess not. Cute Cute!

Erin said...

Forget being a baby chick hatching out of an egg, or being a cuddly teddy bear, and go with the Skeleton Costume! Now you just need to teach her "I Wanna Rock 'N Roll All Night." I love how toddlers just stop and eat each piece of candy as they go along trick or treating. Sounds like fun times!

ashley said...

erin, i can't get into your blog, what's goin on? the link from your comments won't work! help me out here!

Tonya said...

Oh my gosh! I am seriously dying. I LOVE the picture and I love crazy one year olds. (It's crazy three year olds I can't handle.)

There is something about chocolate that brings out the happiness in us all.

Oh, BTW, Erin is a dork and doesn't have a blog. Put more peer pressure on her, maybe she will pony up.

Jen said...

Nice deal on the skeleton sweatshirt. I think it's a rule that every kid has to go a little crazy on Halloween (or at halloween parties in Velzy's case)It's part of the fun. I guess the candy definitely helps.

Definitely Gene Simmons. So funny!

Robyn said...

That is hilarious. I think she still looks so cute. I love Trunk or Treat!

Erin said...

It's true, I do not have a blog. Tonya has outed me. Thanks for trying though! That's nice that you would want to read about me. And thank you to my blogging friends who haven't kicked me out of their blogging world yet. You all probably have a word for commenters like me. . .

Anonymous said...

ok now i get the make up. was on velzyspace first... haha call me manana and i will talk story about hawaii... miss you face. oh yah two months untill kaia is one... crazy... were planning number two soon.