luke and i do not have cable, or any channels on the tv for that matter. i grew up without tv and really, why waist your time watching the lame shows that are on? so its funny that our nicest piece of furniture is a 37" lcd flat screen, ok, its our only piece of nice furniture, other than velzy's crib. we don't watch television on it, but we are avid movie watchers, from baby einstein to surf videos, it gets a lot of use. we are also big netflix fans, and have discovered that you can get some tv shows on dvd, someone at lukes work told him about "the office." it's on nbc on thursday nights, and it is the funniest thing in the world, and it stars steve carell- "i love lamp." the first season that we watched we sort of didn't know if we liked it, then all of the sudden it clicked and we loved it. so last night one of the dvd's from the second season came, don't worry, we watched it all. we were laying on the floor laughing so hard, i am laughing so hard just thinking about it. i love it. i can't wait to watch the deleted scenes tonight, it makes me forget about all of the diarrhea diapers that i have had to change for the last week.
i didn't want to write about it yesterday but for some reason, i will today. so i stopped breastfeeding velzy completely a week ago. since then, and a little before too, it has been a roller coaster of grossness. she has had nasty diarrhea, which has been blamed on whole milk, soy milk, toddler formula, and now a virus that she has. what is going on you ask? well, i am asking the same thing. it has been so frustrating trying to figure out what is going on. velzy has done fine eating yogurt and cheese for months now, and 2% milk for a few weeks too. but when i got her on whole milk the problems started flowing, literally. so we have tried switching to soy milk, which didn't help, then we switched to this toddler formula stuff for just a day though, cause she got really sick with a virus. i am ready to throw in the towel, i don't know what to do. as of yesterday i have taken her off dairy and soy for a few days to get everything out of her system and see if we can start over and figure things out. poor kid. to top things off she got a virus, which very well may be the culprit and cause of our problems, she had a high temp and was so sad. being a mom of a baby is such a guessing game. velzy- use your words please.
anyways, hopefully this whole ordeal will be fixed soon! until then i am going to replay scenes from the office in my head and get a good laugh.
Okay so I am soooooo jealous. the office season 2 is sitting in my netflix queue and I want it to come. why hasn't it come? It didn't even come out until yesterady, right? that show is soooo funny. Jon adn I have actually watched the British one too. Its pretty funny too, you just might have to put the subtitles on because they talk so freaking fast you can't pick up on the jokes sometimes. I'm glad you are settled.
The Office is by far the best show on t.v. right now. Jim and Pam's relationship is the best love story in television history because it seems so awkward and real. I love it! Too bad Pam has been married for 5 years in real life.
Ashley, I just wanted to tell you that I had to go straight to Primary after the closing hymn to set up so I'm sorry I didn't get to see you yesterday! I did, however, see your adorable baby girl with her bright, blonde hair with your dad. He was the proud grandpa! So cute! When do you go home? Maybe I can come by this week?
Also, one time your dad called our house for Dave and being his usual friendly self, he asked what I was doing. I said, "Watching the Bachelor! It's so great! Do you guys watch it?" He laughed and said they didn't have cable. I felt ashamed that I was watching a trashy show while he and your mom were probably at home reading scriptures together having great conversation while I sat and watched a lame reality show. It made me stop watching t.v. for awhile after that...until 24 started atleast. You need to rent that show now!!! Your parents are cool. Tonya had her baby this morning too.
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