Wednesday, July 19

ok, so its really 6:30 already

its early. but that is when i get the longest block of free time, so if what i write is not totally coherant at times, it might be cause i am a little sleepy still. the 2 hours after luke leaves for work and the little one is still asleep is one my favorite times of the day. i started a blog on another site a few weeks ago, but like all journals that i start, my next entry there would start: "i haven't written for a while, i will try to do better..." hopefully, with the thought that people that i know might actually read this i will do better and keep it updated.
i actually need to be packing right now, we are driving up to new york to visit becky and cassie at their parents house on long island. i am so excited, i have never been to new york before and this will be so fun. i am stoked to go to the city, but most of all just to see friends that really know and understand us. not that we don't have friends out here, but it just seems that we are a little, ok- a lot, different from everyone here in d.c. and it will just be nice to be with people we really like. that and we are going to play some shuffle board at the beach, i'm breaking out the white pants and shirt and can't wait to play- its not just for old men anymore.

in hawaii a good day was determined by how many baithing suits i got to wear that day- or how many different times i got to go surf or play at the beach. yesterday i had that same feeling as i got into the shower and saw two baithing suits for my self, two of velzy's, and one of luke's. v and i went swimming earilier and then went to the pool with luke when he got home and had a bbq. i have to count my blessings that at least we have a pool to go to and i am lucky that velzy likes it as much as she does. without the pool we would be stuck indoors all day cause it is so freaking hot here!!!
ok, i really want to see how this looks...

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