anyways, off to the beach so she can pee all over whatever she wants and i don't have to worry about it. and i really am sorry, i don't mean to rub in the fact that it has been beautiful around here the last week.
Friday, February 22
i am throwing in the towel (again).
5 pairs of beloved elmo undies in less than 3 hours, is that some kind of record? we were pumped when the day started. ivy slept in so it gave vz and i some one-on-one time to talk about the potty and watch our newest netflix blockbuster hit "elmo's potty time." i thought she was ready, she knows just what to do. if you ask her and she tells you about keeping elmo dry, going shi-shi and poop in the potty, saying "mommy potty" and run into the bathroom, and so on. but when it comes to actually doing it, it's another story. it does not even phase her to pee herself and she does not even stop or think about telling me. multiple times she went and sat on the potty for long periods of time to try to go, we talked, we sang, once pooped (which she has no problem doing on the potty) and then no more then 5 minutes after she got off the potty she went pee in the living room (three times). sigh. and i was really diligent this time around and asked her often, i have explained things and have been really calm and cool about it. i thought i was doing so well. so i guess we put them away again for another week and see what happens next time. am i giving up too easy? i know it takes time, but this just seems like it is pointless right now and i am sick of clean up. should i keep on it? velz has always been on her own time table with things like this (think no crawing and late talking) so i wonder if she is just not ready.
anyways, off to the beach so she can pee all over whatever she wants and i don't have to worry about it. and i really am sorry, i don't mean to rub in the fact that it has been beautiful around here the last week.
anyways, off to the beach so she can pee all over whatever she wants and i don't have to worry about it. and i really am sorry, i don't mean to rub in the fact that it has been beautiful around here the last week.
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oh the potty training woes! i've been through it twice, so far, and i learned a lot from my first time around. nani went potty on the toilet the first time when she was 15 months, so we thought, "heck she must be ready!" a whole year later she was potty trained, but not without a lot of crying and frustration.
the second time around lala kept asking to wear big girl panties and i absolutely refused because i wasn't ready for the struggle. finally mitch said, "why don't you just try it? she's asking!" so, i did it and she was potty trained in a week! such a world of difference!
they were both potty trained by the same age. so, my advice is to wait until she wants to do it! it will be well worth it!
good luck!
ooo potty training, honestly my biggest obstacle yet as a parent... im dreading when it comes time to do Wyatt. My advice is if it was still that frustrating to quit and try again later... if they arent ready, you cant force them. its almost like a light bulb swicthes on in their head one day, i tried for 6 months with Jackson. Finally right after he turned three i tried again, and it literally took him a few days to really take to it (few accidents here and there but better than peeing yer pants every half hour). It has to be on their time, if she isnt ready, she isnt ready. You got time. try again next month...
kasey says to keep at it... jordan was about 2 1/2 when he started working with her. he gave her a sticker everytime she went that she could put on the 'bucket' and it motivated her. it took about 5 months but he slacked a bit. and since she has been 'trained' she has only wet the bed like three times.
I know what you are going through. I went through the trouble of putting on pants with every pair of underwear so that he would feel the wetness and it wouldn't get into the carpet. I decided to take baby steps by going with the pullups for right now. I run him into the bathroom right after he wakes up and after his naps. It works and if he pees between then, I don't have a mess to clean up. I try to help him understand that they aren't diapers and he needs to tell me when he needs to go. He does sometimes, but I am holding off on real underwear until he is more consistent in the pullups. Maybe that will work for Velzy too!
I've been working with some of my Preschoolers who are not potty trained...yes, 3 1/2 year makes me crazy..but I have a timer that is set for every 20 minutes...when they hear that, they know regardless, they have to go try to potty... My friend did it in her home and set the oven timer for every 30 minutes, and it really worked for could be a special timer for her and then its the timer constantly reminding her...and not YOU...just an idea...keep it up..i can't imagine how hard that is..I only have them a few days a week. :)
dude! its not giving up- its listening to V's body. She's a smarty, she knows what she's supposed to do, but her little body is still learning all the sensations and what they mean and what to do when they feel it all. Don't worry, she'll get it, but you're right to put it away and try later, I'd give it two weeks if she doesn't ask for them. Thank goodness you have a wonderful beach to pee all over, I can't wait for SUMMER!! Thats when Im going to hit the potty training with Lauren. She's like V, knows what she's suppose to do, but has a hard time realizing WHEN she's suppose to do it. Julia wasn't potty trained until almost 3, so we got time.
ANd man, those sleeping beach bum pictures are PRECIOUS!!!!
Glad you're livin it up! :)
Hey Ashley- Scott and I are coming out to Hawaii in 2 weeks I have a few ?s for you. If you have time email me at :) Goodluck with the potty training:)
Ugh. Potty training is the worst. I think it's the most challenging thing with kids under 3. I would wait. I don't think she is ready. I did the same thing with Kaleb, I would keep introducing it and he would try here and there, but that was it. Finally, in January, he was really ready. (He turned 3 in September.) I used to care about things like "oh no, he's three and not potty trained yet!!" But, I am so over that now. It was so easy to potty train him. It was a couple of days of torture, but after the third day, he got it and hasn't had a pee accident since. He wakes up dry from all night. We are still having poop issues, but I just let him poop in the diaper like I did with Ethan and he is doing great. Velz will do it when she is ready. It's not worth the stress for you right now. Just go chill at the beach.
Those napping pics are WAY too cute.
You are doing great! I have always said that the easiest potty training comes when they are ready -- and five pairs can mean she is not "consolidating her pee" yet:) Ethan did this, and I stopped, and tried again in a month. No worries, she will get it, and when she does, it will be fast and awesome!!
I'm not looking forward to the potty training stage! How old is Velzy? My girlfriend just went through the same thing so I think she backed off for a sec, and one day her daughter was all of a sudden ready and has been a champ ever since!
No idea Ashley, but I think you sound like you're doing great! You sound so calm about it. Post updates and advice for those behind you!
I'm so glad to hear that there are still some people out there that don't start their kids over the potty at birth! I'm feeling like a slacker for not having my 1.5 year old on the potty. I have attempted, but flushing it just is so distracting.
p.s. where have you been!!??
Have you read that book.. "Potty trainining in a day or less"? It worked like a charm for Kaylen. But all kids are different...With JT I just had to let him run around Naked...and it took about 2days and he started noticing the process, and after those 2 messy days he was good to go.
Hope you find something that works....Good luck potty training is such a bummer! Jeremy Says I should start on Sam...I'm like HELLO-O He is 19 months are you crazy!?! Any way, good luck!!!
Ruby wasn't buying into the whole thing until after she was 3. We tried different things, but when it came down to it, literally, one day she just woke up and was ready to do it on her own. She wanted to wear the underwear and not the diaper ever again. It had to be on her timetable I guess. We are really kick back with Atticus now. We just give him plenty opportunities. With two in the diaper stage- it just couldn't happen soon enough for us...but now its much easier with just one in diapers. Ruby almost never had an accident when she started wearing the undies on her own.
I'm in the same boat. I really want Emma potty trained, but like everyone else has said, she's just not ready and if you try to push it too soon you'll just give yourself more head aches. I am so tired of having two in diapers but I need to be patient and watch for her cues to show that she is ready. I like Rachel's idea of putting them in pull-ups and treating the pull-up like underwear by trying to keep it dry. I'm going to try that and then see if she can graduate to real underwear. Bottom line though - when she's truly ready it should only be a couple days of torture and then she should get it.
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