the forgotten days of love
#13 & 14
thanks amy for calling me out on my neglect of the last 2 days of love.
yesterday marked ivy's 10 months of breathing air so i need to do her little update.
*new favorite past time- climbing. and as a result- lots of bloody lips from bonks and little falls.
*shreeeeeeeeech. did you hear that? it was ivy, she is quite the screacher these days.
*she's being forced into taking a bottle, i am over nursing. 1o months is good right? i am over the biting and not feeling like she is getting enough so she is working on the bottle a couple times a day. she does not really love it, but does not really have a choice. sorry little one!
*she loves playgrounds. loves to crawl up slides then belly slide down them, it is so funny. the other day while at the park she got quite a long open mouth kiss from this cute little tongan boy, and loved it, held his little arm as he tenderly kissed her. this might be a problem in a few years.
and since i never write little velzy updates, 28 months is not really a stand out month, i should do a little.
*i am happy to report that she is getting really into the beach. this was our conversation this morning:
me: velz, i think it's nap time
vz: no, me awake, me go beach.
me: well, i can't really argue with that.
she was super into the water today and everytime i tried to get her out she said "back to the water" makes a mom proud.
*she also loves to tell me what is going on, and says it over and over and over. this morning when i was feeding ivy she gave me the play by play- "mommy feed baby, baby milk mommy boobies (who taught her that???), baby bite mommy, hurt mommy, mean baby, baby eat, baby happy now. juice please!" i guess it is just novel to me because i am so used to her not talking.
*and she is in that "no mommy me do it" stage. she thinks she is so independant.
*occasionally we try potty training and occasionally she does good and occasionally she does not. she was stoked to get some elmo undies from my mom and did great for a little while then not so good and i am really not that on the ball right now and i gave up that evening. she likes to tell me after the fact, why can't she do it before? i think i need to read up on this stuff and any pointers are appreciated.
i love those girls and miss them so much! ivy is loving those teeth isn't she, even taking bites out of you huh? i wish that i could put everything down for the beach cause the little one asked... must be nice...
hey much agreed upon on living by each other... i need some family near by...
haha no problem.... glad u caught up.. love seeing those smiling faces! And omg how blonde are they right now, geeso!
Go you, 10 months is great. I couldn't make it passed 3 and half months! Believe me, you have saved your family a bundle!
why is velzy's nickname hot meat? did i miss that explanation?
love the velzy conversations... you should definitely put more of those on here as they happen! :)
Hot Meat?? That's funny.
Little Miss Ivy is geting to be almost as funny as her big Sis.
Isn't it great how the babies have no fear? I remember Makena being like that last summer at the beach. I wish they stayed like that.
Great Post Ash. Oooh I like the shoe's too!
I have no advice on the potty training yet. But ask Asher, he's a professional now!
Potty training is all about charts & incentives. Stickers & candy work well. Good Luck! Cute Girls!
soooooo CUTE!!! Loved reading about Velzy, since Lauren and her are so close- very similar girls. LOVE those little conversations and play by plays!!! :)
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