Tuesday, February 12

14 days of love

i l-o-v-e luke melino moffat. his birthday was saturday and we were so busy having fun hiking, playing at the beach, and going to town for a delicious dinner that i didn't post about my love for him. luke is the best husband/friend/dad and the more time goes by the more i realize what a great thing we have got going. he is one of the biggest reasons that i love my life, mainly because he does everything he can to make sure that the girls and i are happy- he's amazing. so once again, happy birthday luke, i Y you!

a few shots from our little hike:


taro patch
and a little mud


Molly Malia said...

who's homesick? ME!

i love that you and my brother are married and you're my 'sister' i love you guys!

Jen C. said...

Awwww, that brought tears to my eyes. That was so sweet. I have to say that he is a pretty great guy.

Tonya said...

Thank goodness for good men who make even better husbands. Love the love.

Tonya said...

Oh, and happy birthday, Luke!

Manoa said...

Thanks for that shot overlooking Laie...did you guys go up to Burning Hills?