#8 (you know you want to comment on this one)
i love trying to be crafty. one problem: i have craft attention deficit disorder. i find it hard to finish a project because i get side tracked with other cool things that i find and want to make. one day it's quits, the next embroidered something or others... i never know what it will be next. the last week or so i have been really into making baby shirts.
other things i love: comments on my blog and free stuff. ohh, and i would love to know who looks at my blog. so why not combine all three? i figure that by offering some free stuff for one lucky commenter i might be able to find out who looks at my blog that i may or may not know.
here is the deal (you know how it goes)- make a comment by sunday night, and i will have velzy pick a name out of a hat, check back to see if you won on monday, and if you did i will send you the onesie (6-9 months) or shirt (12 months) of your choice from the pictures. and if you can't make use of the booty, you know that you have like 20 friends right now who are prego and your going to want to give them something, right? so comment away, i love to make new friends!
I have your blog in google reader so I see every single update...love it. Though I have no child of my own, should I win your wonderful givaway, I'll add it to the one mini baby beanie Bex knitted me as a joke back in the day when she made everyone on the island beanies. My child-to-be will feel so crafted by all it's aunties.
I have your blog on rss feed also, although it's not working for some reason, darn firefox! I love to read your blog because you guys just make me smile. Seriously, seeing how much fun you have with the girls never fails to put a smile on my face. I too do not have any children but I will hang on to it for when I do. 1. because they are so darn cute and 2. because what a cool story!
Also, I understand crafting ADD. I too have it. I haven't done much since we decided our dining table (ala Ikea) had seen it's life span so we chunked it. Hopefully, I'll get back soon.
so i didn't know if there was an essay involved or not... but its too early in the morning... i need all the luck i can get on this whole baby making thing... its all in the hands of velzy! ha
You are so crafty! I would say I am crafty on a much smaller scale. I would be afraid to mess up something like embroidery. They are so cute though. How do you come up with these things?
You are WAY crafty girlie.
Those are adorable.
what about yer old friends???? those are too cute!
I have been spying on your fabulous island life via Jill Galyans blog and I've been wanting to say hello! Your family is beautiful and your blog definitely makes me miss Hawaii. Time flies huh?
I have to say that I honestly love that you put snotty noses and slugs on your blog. I think sometimes blogging makes life look too perfect and it's not. Snot and slugs are refreshing to see. Thank you!
Your baby clothes are adorable, I can't believe you made those! Count Felicity (2 months)and I in for the drawing-but I really did just want to say hello! I hope all is well!-Kelli Woffinden Radmall
Well, I'll be in on this one even though I don't have a baby in those size ranges. You know I read your blog though:)
okay, you did it! you've brought me out from my lurking closet! i've been lurking for months now, actually since ivy was born (saw the link on the email announcement), but these are too dang cute to pass up a chance on winning. you are super talented!
i, too, have you on my feeds link and enjoy keeping up on your family. i knew luke back at byu-provo, so it is fun to read about what he's up to and to see your cute kids! plus you have a very entertaining style of writing!
my sister and her husband (malia and stuart johnson) are living in TVA and they both surf, too! they actually met surfing out by goat island. look them up, they'd love to go surfing with you guys (luke knows malia).
wow! i hope there isn't a charater limit on these comments!
kawena (16 months) is sending vibes to velzy, "pick me! pick me!"
I love keeping up with your life through your AMAZING blog...you're so good at blogging on a regular basis. You're too darn creative. I wish I would find something worthwhile to spend my time doing but my search continues.
Hey Ashley!
I know you don't know me, we missed each other time wise in the TC Ward in RSM. I was there about the time Adam was on his mission. Anyway, I do know Ton & Megg and read their blogs, and every now and then I link over to yours, you are a very entertaining blogger & it's so cool to see what life is like in Hawaii...(lucky!) Anyhow... there you go, I too, could not resist the kind invitation to comment, and I love the cute, cute things you make! Blog on!!!!!
Okay, you are SO crafty. I love it. I wanna be just like you. And you are right, I do have 20 friends that are preggers right now...
What!? You have the crafting ability of Marth Stewart. I think YOU need to shoe ME a thing or two. I really want to learn how to embroder.
Did you use the fabric scraps for those?
My email is mrcrozatgmaildotcom, lets get together soon.
Ok, sooo...I am a lurker, I don't really know how I stumbled upon your blog, but have some byu friends, so maybe through one of them... I was talking to my 4 year old son the other day about surfing and what it was...his response "Mom, you go surfing every day?" I said, "Bryant how can I go surfing everyday, we live in Alaska, and the water is much too cold?" He said..."Isn't that what surfing the web is?"
He has no idea...cute shirts, if you blanket stitch by hand...kudos to you!
Thanks for letting me "lurk"
Pick me Velzy! Pick me! They are so so cute Ash! Did you have to make mine look like that much crap? Honestly.
What if we post twice?? But honestly now people are coming out of the wood work. You've got to keep it for us faithfuls.
Great idea Ashley! I hope I get picked =)
i love those onesies. just so yo know, i would have commented regargless of the incentive you gave b/c those are so stinking cute. i want one so bad. i hope i win. i think you should start a little buiness. how are you so creative? i envy you.
Holy comments! I don't stand a chance of winning a cute shirt! But that's okay cause I love reading your sweet 14 days of LOVE!! Rock on Ash!
i have crafters ADD too! love the shirts..how are you making them?
um i know i'll get one anyways so... v pick someone else. HA! love them hub.... now send my package....
haha!! I just read my comment and realized that I spell like a third-grader. To my credit I was rushing off to work so I was in a hurry. lol-- I'm still laughing at myself.
hey i posted twice, i'm totally going to get it! nah, i just wanted to say, good crap!
Hi friend! Those onesies are adorable! I like you and your blog!
Holy Crap! (As Noah would say) You are just a popular girl! And so crafty and talented, too. When we move, you'll have to teach me the blanket stitch. I'm not so good at that one yet.
Poor Velzy - pineapple is one of our favorites.
Hey Ashley!
Ok so long story short, i read your comment on Stu and Malia's blog, and i had to check out what you have been up to since the animal house days! I heard you and the fam were living in Washington DC (Aaron facer told me) and it looks like you made it back to the islands! I am soo ready to head back as well. You have an amazing family, and it looks like you have made a loyal reader since i will want to live the island life through you guys.
ps i hope i win!!!
Ash I admire your cratiness because I hate arts and crafts. My poor future children. But I still have the beach bag that you made me. I always check your blog even though I might not always leave a comment. Tell Velzy to hsare some love with the East coast. I heart you.
i wanted to be on this ginormous list of comments!
Holy Cow you have a lot of fans! I also enjoying reading your blog and seeing what you guys are up to.... and I especially enjoy the beach pictures. It's nice to think of a warmer place when it's been raining for 40 days straight over here!
Hey Ashley! Im so glad you commented on my post! I have your number now so we'll have to get together! Stuart now remembers going over to the animal house with his brother and friends... funny huh? well very cute stuff you have here! Talk to you soon!
oh... pick me pick me velzy!
I love these onsies. How did you make them. I am craft retarded. Velzy, if you pick me I'll give you some fruit snacks.
WOW. Quite the subscribers. Am I too late because this is an amazing deal? you should open an ETSY shop- this are adorable.
Oooh Oooh! I want a shirt! Those are too darling! If I don't win, which I probably won't, will you tell me how you made them? I hope it's easy because I have too many unfinished crafts, as well!
once again... great crap ash!
ooooh velzy, i'll be your coolest bestest auntie!
Hi Ashley...this is Laura (O'Rullian) Stewart. I look at your blog now and again and am so jealous of your island mother life. I love that your older daughter looks so much like you. It's really cute.
These shirts are so adorable! I found you through James Gillice, then Doug D and then you. Cute, cute shirts! Where did you get the idea? Or are you just imaginative and creative and there is no pattern? I love them.
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